Does Listening To Affirmations Work

Most people start out use affirmations by read them and writing them down but does listening to affirmations work better than speak, read or writing affirmations?

Positive affirmations are phrases that we tell ourselves with the intent of changing our thoughts and feelings. They have been shown to reduce stress, increase confidence and decrease anxiety. So, its worth using them every day but what method is best?

Does Listening to Affirmations Work

Studies reveal that listening to positive affirmations for 15 minutes or more is highly effective at reprogramming your subconscious mind towards positivity. In fact, we can consume 4 times more information when we hear than writing; therefore, listening to affirmations is considered the better choice. 

Listening to positive affirmations is far easier than writing out affirmations because it requires less effort on your part. When we want to transform our mood or reprogram our subconscious mind towards a particular goal or habit, the subconscious demands the repetition of positive information to make a change.

That’s where listening to affirmations works the best because you can listen for longer than you would if you write your statements. Furthermore, content such as YouTube, Spotify and other programs make listening to affirmations considerably more straightforward now than ever. You can discover virtually any type of affirmation that will encourage you to make the transformation you desire. 

However, to maximise your affirmations working, you could combine listening with writing out affirmations. This way, you’re connecting more than one of your senses, and it will help to reprogram the subconscious faster. But if you’re looking for the fastest approach to reprogram your mind, then listening to affirmations would be the most reliable choice.

Therefore, does listening to affirmations work? Yes, listening to affirmations is the best way to consume affirmations and they are far more effective at reprogramming the unconscious mind.

How Long Should I Listen To Affirmations For

On average, you should listen to affirmations for between 5 minutes and 60 minutes at least once every day. It typically takes your mind 5 minutes to relax and open your subconscious mind for reprogramming. 

Many beginners in the personal development area are curious about how long they should listen to affirmations for. That is, if you’re listening to an audio program of positive self-talk designed to change your thinking or attitude, 

  • How long should it be? Ideally, your affirmation track should be around 15 minutes.
  • How many days per week? 3 to 5 days per week is a great start but listen every day if you desire the fastest results
  • How many times per day? It is recommended to use them twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed at night.

Personally, I believe that affirmations are effective tools for individual growth and empowerment. Therefore, the longer you can listen to them, the better results you will experience. Additionally, I think they should be practised in conjunction with other “positive” techniques to become truly effective.

Affirmations are merely one tool you can practice to help yourself feel better and more confident. By creating a 60 minute morning and evening routine, you can use this time to use other personal development techniques to help transform your mindset and goals. 

Does Listening To Positive Affirmations Work

Brain examinations show from MRI scans that when participants listen to positive affirmations, it triggers the response within the parts of the brain for happiness, fulfilment and learning, to name a few. Meaning, affirmations have a definite impact on our mindset.

It may surprise you that this idea has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy for thousands of years. Still, French psychologist Emile Coue displayed the power of positive affirmations and self-talk in his famous book “Self Mastery Through Conscious Awareness“, written back in the late 1800s.

For affirmations to be effective, the idea is that you must believe what you are saying and hearing. This may mean that your affirmation needs to be framed in a way where it doesn’t seem impossible. For instance, you may want to say “I am a kind person” repeatedly throughout the day. Then at some point, your subconscious mind will believe it true, and your attitude will shift.

This might seem overly simple to some people, but quite a bit of research shows that affirmations can actually work. There are even millions of websites dedicated to affirmations, and user share their real experiences constantly. If you believe what you want to achieve is possible, you are more likely to achieve the result.

Is It Better To Listen To Affirmations In Your Own Voice

In general, affirmations will influence the mind better if you read out your statement in your voice because your subconscious will react to your voice before anyone else. However, it is not absolutely necessary because there are many benefits from listening to someone else reading affirmations.

Obviously, your subconscious mind will react the best if it’s your own voice guide in your subconscious mind towards the goals and achievements you expect. I always advise people to create personalised affirmations or subliminal messaging because it works up to 10 times better than someone else pre-recording an affirmation track. Click here for more details on personalised services.

Although it’s not unusual for people to use affirmations from YouTube or other platforms that are recorded by someone else. The most essential element is that the affirmation resonates with your intentions and the transformation you desire. However, if the affirmation is in a language that you don’t understand, it probably won’t work, and it’s best to get it in your native language.

Can You Listen To Affirmations While Working

On average, you can listen to affirmations while working because your subconscious picks up on things we might not even be aware of happening around us. You are still absorbing the affirmation while you are working on other tasks.

Our subconscious mind runs in the background even when we are focused on other tasks or busy with daily work. Our subconscious mind is still 90 to 95% aware of the things around us and constantly listening out to our environment. Suggesting that you can play affirmations aloud or through headphones whilst you work, and you will still absorb all the positive statements from the tracks being played.

In contrast, listening to an affirmation requires that you stay alert and focused on what’s being said. Once you’re finished listening, the biggest challenge is being able to remember what you just heard. For this reason, I recommend listening to an affirmation while working on something that requires less concentration if the affirmation is important to you.

Can You Listen To Affirmations While Meditating

In the most general sense, meditation is a process of taking control of the mind to become peaceful and focused, so the meditator becomes more aware. Meditation aims to stop negative thinking, and affirmations can concentrate your mind on positivity and happiness.

Affirmations are positive statements that have a powerful effect on your subconscious mind, so they’ll help you meditate better if they’re stored in the deepest parts of your brain during meditation. And with affirmations and meditation combined, you can literally change your life for the better.

Meditation is about clearing your mind and focusing on the present moment. If you’re listening to affirmations while meditating, they’re going to be the main focus of your thoughts rather than thinking about past or future troubles or problems.

Does Listening to Affirmations Work Summary

Hope I’ve answered your question does listening to affirmations work. does listening to affirmations workI would definitely listen to affirmations instead of writing them. There are a few reasons why this is beneficial. First, it forces you to direct your subconscious mind positively all day long, which can help speed up the results from listening to affirmations. 

Second, if you’re constantly switching between reading and listening, then there’s less chance that one activity will take over as your main form of self-care practice for some time. Finally, we know we tend to listen more than read, so with this in mind, let’s face it – listening just make life easier!

Check out this article if you want to learn how best to use these benefits and start incorporating affirmative practices into your daily routine but don’t know where or how to start.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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