How Many Times To Repeat Affirmations (Hundreds or Thousands)

Repeating your affirmations can be a powerful way to change your life and impact your subconscious mind fast. It doesn’t matter if you’re repeating positive or negative affirmations-either one can have a significant effect on your thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being. So, how many times to repeat affirmations and how long for?

How Many Times To Repeat Affirmations

On average, you want to write, speak or listen to your individual affirmations 10 times or for a minimum of 10 minutes twice daily repeating your affirmations a total of 200 times a day. The best time to repeat your affirmations is before sleep and first thing in the morning.

For example, 

  • I am worthy and deserving of good things (Repeat 10 times)
  • I am successful and wealthy (Repeat 10 times)
  • I am motivated and driven to achieve my goals (Repeat 10 times)
  • I am confident and capable of making positive changes in my life (Repeat 10 times)
  • I have the power to create my own reality (Repeat 10 times)

On average, it takes someone 5 minutes to handwrite 100 words, 1 minute to speak 100 words and 30 seconds to listen to 100 words. Therefore, you can write your affirmation once, then read out the affirmations 10 times. Similarly, you can read your affirmations aloud and record yourself and then listen to the affirmations.

Nevertheless, when it comes to repeating affirmations, more is better. The more times you repeat an affirmation, the more likely you are to believe it. And the more you believe it, the more likely it is to become true in your life. Repeating affirmations is a form of self-hypnosis or auto-suggestion, and it works by programming your subconscious mind to believe whatever you’re telling it.

Only Repeat Positive Affirmations

If you’re repeating positive affirmations, you’re essentially telling yourself that you are worthy and deserving of good things. This can help to increase your self-esteem and confidence, and it can lead to better things happening in your life. 

On the other hand, if you’re repeating negative affirmations, which can be unconscious via negative conversations, social media, or news, you’re essentially telling yourself that you’re not ready for positive change. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and worthlessness, and it can actually attract adverse circumstances.

It’s essential to be aware of the words you’re using in your affirmations and make sure that they’re positive. For example, instead of repeating the affirmation “I am a failure,” you would want to say something like “I am a success.” Repeating negative affirmations will only lead to negative results, so focusing on the positive is vital.

In addition to repeating affirmations, it’s also necessary to take action towards your goals. Describing to yourself that you’re a success doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically become one. You still need to put in the work and make things happen. But repeating affirmations can help to increase your motivation and purpose, and it can give you the confidence you need to take action and achieve your goals. Can you type affirmations on your phone or computer? Read this post.

Repeating Affirmations Thousands of Times

Repeating affirmations thousands of times a day can help break unhealthy thought patterns, allowing you to create healthier habits and become a more positive person. There isn’t an exact number of times you need to repeat your affirmations but it makes sense if you say them often it will work better.

Writing these affirmations down and repeating them out loud or in your head can have a powerful effect on how you think and feel about yourself. But it can be very time consuming to repeat affirmations thousands of times each day.

Instead I like to use a combination of written, spoken and audio affirmations which helps start the reprogramming process. We can speak around 140 words a minute and most people have around 10 words in each affirmation. Therefore, you could listen to thousands of affirmations far easier than you could write or speak them. Here’s the benefits of listening to affirmations.

Write Affirmations 100 Times a Day

Writing affirmations 100 times a day can be an effective way to start changing your thought patterns and create new habits. You handwrite around 20 words each minute so it would take you It takes around 5 minutes to write them out, which is much less time than repeating them thousands of times throughout the day.

Additionally, writing affirmations 100 times a day gives you the opportunity to really focus on what you are writing. This allows you to put more energy and thought into your affirmations and help them sink into your subconscious mind quickly. You can also type your affirmations on a computer keyboard or your mobile phone which increase the number of words to 40 each minutes.

Therefore, it would take your around 2.5 minutes to type your affirmations. A combination of all types of affirmations written, spoken and listening is always best.

How Often Should I Repeat My Affirmations?

In general, you want to repeat your affirmations twice a day for a minimum of 22 days or until you feel a significant mindset transformation or you attract the desired outcome. 

Studies reveal that for our minds to break habits or install new behaviours, it takes between 22 days up to 66 days or longer, depending on the size of the change and the amount of subconscious resistance you have. Read this post for a detailed overview to find out exactly how long affirmations take to work.

However, the more often you can repeat your affirmations, the more likely you will begin to transform your subconscious mind. The subconscious needs repetition of the same things to start believing them true. For instance, we repeat a child’s name hundreds of thousands of times before they acknowledge that it’s their name. That’s the subconscious mind at work, but once it accepts, it’s fixed. But how many affirmations can you use?

What If I Miss A Day?

Don’t worry if you miss a day or two, your subconscious mind won’t forget that those affirmations exist. Similarly, if you miss a whole week, it still won’t make a significant difference unless it’s your second or third week using affirmations. Return to your affirmations as soon as possible and begin the process again.

Sometimes we need a break from our affirmations, especially if they take longer than expected. You never want to get into a situation where affirmations become a chore, and you dread using them. This will create a negative resistance, and they won’t work. If you don’t feel optimistic and motivated about using your affirmations, take a break and return when your positivity has grown.

Repeat Your Affirmations Before and During Sleep

Repeating your affirmations before sleep is critical for reprogramming your subconscious mind. It’s the period when your subconscious is more likely to accept and believe in your affirmations. If you miss the opportunity to reprogram your subconscious before sleep, it can significantly increase the time it takes for your affirmation to work.

I have a complete article explaining why affirmations work best before sleep and the science. I highly recommend you read it. Nonetheless, if you can create an audio version of your affirmations, you can listen to it throughout the night. It’s incredibly easy to make (here’s a step-by-step guide to creating subliminal affirmations), and they work exceptionally well. 

Imagine the impact listening to 8 hours of positive affirmations will have on your mindset, mood, belief and motivation. When you repeat your affirmations during sleep, your subconscious mind is still listening even though you are not physically aware they are playing. Here’s exactly how the subconscious mind works during sleep.

How Many Times To Repeat Affirmations Summary

So how many times to repeat affirmations? There’s no magic number, but a good rule of thumb is to repeat them at least 10 times twice a day. The more you do it, the better. And if you’re serious about making a change in your life, you can even repeat them 100 times a day or react affirmations thousands of times each day.

Just make sure that you’re using positive words and taking action towards your goals. If you do both of these things, you’ll be well on your way to making some positive changes in your life.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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