How Many Affirmations At Once (Per Day)

You might have a list of affirmations but a question you might have is how many affirmations should I have or how many affirmations should you use per day? The Total number of affirmations you use at once and during a day can change depending on your goals and experience.

Positive affirmations are a great way to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can achieve goals, create new powerful habits and transform your mindset from negative to positive. You can choose to write, speak, or listen to affirmations, but all methods significantly impact your subconscious mind’s attitude and happiness.

How Many Affirmations at Once

The number of affirmations use should use at once is between 10 to 15 but they can be repeated numerous times depending on your goals. Spend around 10 minutes repeating your 10 affirmations or listen to the for 10 minutes.

However, there is no limit to the number of single-word affirmations that can be used at once. If you’re using multiple manifestation goals consider grouping your affirmations together. My favourite way to use affirmations are listening to them, here’s a complete article which explains the benefits of listening to affirmations during sleep.

If your goal is to earn more money or lose weight, then only use affirmations related to that goal. If your statements are associated with that specific goal, you can use as many affirmations as you desire.

If your affirmations are random and scattered over multiple subjects, they will be far less impactful and might not work effectively. Therefore, consider dividing your affirmations into categories and only focus on one type of affirmation together.

This way, you will maximise your ability to absorb the information into the subconscious mind, and a change is likely to occur.

The Top Categories for Affirmations;

  1. Money
  2. Family/Relationship 
  3. Body and Mind
  4. Career

Once you have selected your category of affirmation, solely utilise this one for the entire session. Wait several hours before applying a different type of affirmations because this will distract your subconscious mind from your previous intention.

Consider concentrating on one kind of affirmation for a week before switching to a new type of statement. Therefore, How many affirmations at once is total your choice and how you divide your affirmations.

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How Many Affirmations Per Day

On average you can listen to between 10 to 15 affirmations 3 times a day which is a total of 30 affirmations per day. The amount of affirmations you listen to each day depends on the exact number of goal you want to achieve and your belief system.

If you have multiple goals, you can listen to various types of affirmations each day, but they must be in harmony with your purposes and desires. However, if you use affirmation three-time every day, then you will see great results.

The Best Time to Practice Affirmations

  1. First thing in the morning
  2. Midday
  3. Travelling home from work
  4. Before sleep at night 

If your goal is to earn additional money, then listen to affirmation on money, wealth, abundance and prosperity in the morning. If you have a second goal that you desire to achieve, for instance, weight loss, listen to those affirmations in the afternoon.

Concluded the day by listening to positive affirmations that transform your thinking before you go to sleep.Try and avoid listening to too many varieties of affirmations simultaneously because this confused your subconscious mind, and you might find the statements won’t work as well as they should.

Therefore, spilt your affirmation session into separate times and make sure those statements balance with the goal you desire. How many affirmations per day could be around 30 or 40 depending on how many categories of affirmations you have.

How Many Times Should I Say My Affirmations?

On average, you want to speak or write your affirmations for 5 to 10 minutes before sleep and first thing in the morning to get the maximum benefits. Your subconscious mind must repeatedly hear or see your affirmations for them to work.

Nonetheless, some people find that saying their affirmations once is enough, while others find that they need to say them multiple times a day to experience the desired effects. Experiment with different frequencies and see what works best for you. You may find that you need to say your affirmations more often during a time of particular stress.

Saying an affirmation is helpful because it directs your subconscious mind to get to work on achieving whatever goal is mentioned in the affirmation. Saying it over and over again magically causes your desired outcome to happen very fast because your subconscious believes it will happen.

So, say your affirmations with conviction, but don’t worry about saying them too often. The important thing is to be consistent in your efforts so that you can start seeing the results you want.

Should I Write The Same Affirmations Everyday?

It’s essential you write, speak or listen to the same affirmations every day or until you achieve your goal. For affirmations to work efficiently, the subconscious mind must recognise the same affirmation multiple times every day for at least 66 days. 

One of the most common reasons why affirmations don’t work is that people change them too often, which confuses the subconscious mind instead of exciting and motivating it to achieve the goal.

Therefore, selecting a list of 12 to 15 affirmations that describe one particular purpose and using them for at least 22 days will provide you with the most notable benefits and make your affirmations work far better.

To discover how long affirmations should take to work, read this article.

Can You Listen To Multiple Affirmations On The Same Topic?

You can listen to multiple affirmations on the same topic because they are linked to a similar desire. If your goal is to transform your thinking towards happiness, listening to multiple affirmations that focus on positivity, it will enhance your subconscious mind faster.

Furthermore, your subconscious mind understands precisely what changes you desire, and the affirmation is in harmony with your desired goals and intentions for the future.

I’ve known some people to have more than 100 affirmations on a single subject and it works extremely well for them. It provides the subconscious mind with variety but they are all related to a primary goal or transformation they desire.

How Many Affirmations Are Too Many To Listen To At Once?

There isn’t any limit to the number of affirmations you can use at once but If your affirmation track has more than 100 positive affirmation statements repeated, you could be weakening the benefits of the recording.

The more statements and sentences the affirmation recording has the more information your subconscious mind has to embed into your mind. 

However, the less narrative and words, the more natural it is for the affirmations to be remembered and acting upon. If you feed your subconscious mind to much information together, it will reject the shift you desire.

Yet, a manageable number of relevant affirmation, in agreement with your goal, repeated, will influence your mind and instruct permanent change.  

How Long Should I Listen To Affirmations?

You’re required to listen to your affirmation for a minimum of 90 minutes to up 8 hours to experience the maximum benefits. The best time to listen to your affirmation is before and during sleep.

The mind begins to slow down into a theta brain state. When your mind is in this trans or hypnotic state, your subconscious mind is opened and can be programmed.  The aim is to listen to your affirmations throughout this switch over period because your subconscious mind is more accepting to change.

Listening to your statements for the first 90 minutes of sleep captures a full sleep cycle. To further enhance your likelihood of success, continue listening to your affirmations throughout the entire night’s sleep. The more your affirmations are playing, the deeper it’s impressed into your subconscious mind. 

How Many Affirmations at Once Summary

How many affirmations at once total depends on your personal preference and how much you believe in those affirmations. How many affirmations should I have is around 10 to 15 but you could have multiple goals so the total of number of affirmations could be 40 or more.

The number of affirmations you can listen to depends on how much time you have free to listen. But listening to your affirmations for 10 minute 3 times a day will make them very effective and impactful.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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