Can I Write Affirmations On My Phone: Does It Actually Work

Can i write affirmations in my phone or does it have to be on paper or in a Journal? Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to program your mind for success. But no one ever specifies to us the proper method to use affirmations.

So can you type your affirmations using your phone, mobile app, keyboard or computer? If you read anything online, you notice that most experts suggest handwriting affirmations is the preferred method for most individuals.

However, what about using your mobile phone to type your affirmations, does that work the same as written affirmations? Surely there can’t be too much difference between handwriting your affirmations and typing them? Particularly today, in our modern world, we use technology far more in our everyday lives than in any other period in history. We are still thriving at an incredible rate, so technology must be working.

Can I Write Affirmations in my Phone

You can write affirmations on your mobile phone, and they will still work the same as handwriting them. You can download multiple applications to assist in writing your affirmations on your phone, or you can use your notes section.

It doesn’t actually matter what approach you take to insert your affirmations. The most important thing is that you take the time to absorb the words and statements and believe your affirmations will come true. Implying that utilising your mobile phone via an App or a simple notes section will work the same as written affirmations by hand.

In fact, the most popular methods of using affirmations are:

  • Handwriting 
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Typing
  • Visualising
  • Pictures/Vision boards

Regardless of the strategy you decide to use, your affirmations will still significantly impact and influence your mindset. The repetition of those positive words entering your subconscious mind is where the power truly lies. So, if you choose to use your phone to type your affirmations, it will absolutely work.

How many times do you need to repeat your affirmations before they work? Find out here.

Use Mobile Apps to Write Affirmations 

There are multiple mobile applications specifically designed for typing your affirmations into your phone. The worst thing about writing affirmations on paper is you can lose them, or if you use a journal, you often don’t look back on your previous affirmations. The best thing about using these apps is that they save your affirmations so you can use the same ones multiple times

These applications make it easier for you to select the same affirmations and create amazing affirmations to listen to that you can read out loud or speak within. Similarly, if you set reminder notifications periodically throughout the day, your application will notify you of some of your affirmations which will help increase your belief system and get your subconscious excited and motivated.

Using Notes To Write Your Affirmations 

The most straightforward method of writing your affirmations on your phone is to use your notes section. You can create a file and store all your affirmations within a file in day order. You can type your affirmations each day, and it will save automatically. If you need some encouragement or your mood is low, you can easily open your notes to boost positivity.

The note section is free and private to be sure no one can access your affirmations folder. Furthermore, you can make it password protected to add an additional layer of security. Unfortunately, there isn’t any way of getting your phone to notify you throughout the day of some of your affirmations, that’s why App work really well. But if you are new to affirmations, it’s a great place to start.  

Add Pictures/ Vision board To Your Affirmations 

A method that works exceptionally well that no one ever talks about is pictures and images instead of words. Our mind thinks in image format, not words. Therefore, you can use vision board applications to supplement or as an alternative to your typed affirmations on your phone.

The only challenge is getting the perfect image that describes the transformation or motivation you are looking for. That’s why using words and pictures together is the preferred option. Some of the affirmation mobile Apps include images within their program. They will have sections to upload photos that solidify your affirmations.  

Do you want to know how long affirmations actually take to work? Anywhere from 22 days up to 66 days.

Can You Type Affirmations on a Computer Keyboard?

You can type affirmations on your mobile phone, computer, laptop or electronic device and have the same results as handwriting your affirmations. However, it’s essential to type every word and don’t use the predictive text system on your device.

For your affirmations to work, you need to take your time when typing your affirmations. You want your subconscious to accept and be influenced by the words and statements. If you type really fast and use the predictive text function, your subconscious will miss the importance of your words.

Therefore, take at least 10 minutes to type out your affirmations and make sure you’re reading the affirmations as you type.

So many choose to handwrite their affirmations because of the time involved in doing it. It makes us naturally slow down and absorb the words better. Similarly, handwriting isn’t something we generally do daily, so our minds take it more seriously because it understands the importance. Meaning you need to take your time and slow your typing and feel the affirmations.  

Here’s why you should start using your affirmations before sleep. It will supercharger your results guaranteed!

Can I Write Affirmations in my Phone Summary 

I hope I’ve explained can i write affirmations in my phone, mobile app or computer keyboard. Even though most people choose to handwrite affirmations there is nothing wrong with using technology to write our affirmations.

Handwriting your affirmations isn’t the only method of using affirmations. Sometimes it’s easier to use your phone because we carry it everywhere, and it’s convenient to type your affirmations on the go. Regardless of the method, it’s essential you slow down and take the time to feel every word your write or type. The subconscious mind must repeatedly see the same affirmations before it will make the transformation you desire. 

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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