10 Best Ways Subliminals Can Change Your Face Fast

People want to change their face with subliminals for many reasons. Some people want to change their appearance because they are not happy with the way they look and some people want to change their appearance because they feel that it will help them in their professional or social lives. No matter what the reason, there are many benefits to changing your face with subliminals.

Can Subliminals Change Your Face

There is some anecdotal evidence that suggests that subliminal messaging may be able to influence your appearance and change your face. For example, they may help you to relax your facial muscles, which could lead to softer, more youthful-looking skin. Or, they may help you to release stored tension in your face.

Subliminal affirmations are audio programs that are designed to bypass your conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious.They are usually in the form of positive statements about yourself and the face transformation you dire. Because the subconscious mind is responsible for manifesting what you believe into reality, subliminal affirmations can be used to change any area of your face.

10 Ways Subliminals Can Change Your Face

There are many subliminal audio tracks available online that specifically target face changing affirmations. All you have to do is find one that resonates with you, download it and listen to it on a daily basis. I recommend listening to it at least once a day, preferably right before bed so that the affirmations can work their magic while you sleep.

1. Create Your Own Face Changing Subliminal Recording

If you’re feeling creative, you can always create your own face changing subliminal recording. All you need is a recorder and some positive affirmations about your face. Some examples of face changing affirmations are:

“I love my face”

“My face is getting more beautiful every day”

“I am confident and radiant”

“People are amazed by my beauty”

“I am attracting more love and attention because of my face”

Once you have your affirmations ready, record them either on your phone or on a computer. And change them into a subliminal recording. Listening to your recording for at least 20 minutes a day will help program your subconscious mind for success.

To create your own subliminal recording here’s a completely free step-by-step guide and you don’t need any 3rd party Subliminals makers.

2. Use Binaural Beats as your Background Music

Binaural beats are special kinds of sound frequencies that can help to relax and focus the mind. They are often used as a form of brainwave entrainment, meaning they can help to synchronise your brainwaves with a particular frequency in order to achieve a desired state of consciousness.

Adding binaural beats into your subliminal recordings can make them even more effective at changing your face. Be sure to use binaural beats that correspond with the desired state you want to achieve while listening to your recording.

For example, if you want to feel more confident, you would use binaural beats in the alpha or beta range. But if you want to feel more relaxed,you would use binaural beats in the delta or theta range. Experiment with different binaural beats frequencies until you find one that works best for you. 

3. Practice Visualisation

Another powerful way to change your face with subliminals is through visualisation. This involves picturing yourself with the face that you desire in your mind’s eye. See yourself with clear skin, a defined jawline, fuller lips, etc.

The more detail you can add, the better. Feel how good it feels to have the perfect face and imagine what your life will be like when people start complementing you on how amazing you look. Practising visualisation for at least 5 minutes a day (state akin to sleep) will help train your brain to manifest the changes that you desire. 

I like to use visualisation before I listen to my subliminal recording or whilst its playing. Your unconscious mind thinks image format so you are inputting your image of your new face directly into it. It begins to believe that’s how you look and your face structure begins to change.

4. Design A Vision Board with The Features You Want 

One way to use subliminals to change your face is to create a vision board with the features you want. A vision board is a physical or digital representation of what you want to achieve. It usually contains images and words that represent your goals.

This could be anything from losing weight to changing your eye colour. By including images of the face you want on your vision board, you’ll be helping your subconscious mind visualise the changes you want to see.

Look at your vision board before visualisation and it makes it easier to hold the image in your mind for longer. The more details you include in your vision board the easier it will be to recall those face changes you desire.

5. Use a Subliminal Booster Before Your Subliminal Program 

If you really want to see results from your subliminal program, it’s a good idea to use a subliminal booster before you start listening. A subliminal booster helps prepare your mind for change by clearing out any negative thoughts or beliefs that might be holding you back.

This will help ensure that the positive affirmations in the subliminal program have a greater chance of getting through to your subconscious mind. You can think of it as mental spring cleaning. A booster should only last for 5 minutes and ideally be played at the beginning of your subliminal program.

6. Listen During Sleep Every Night 

Listening to subliminals while you sleep is a great way to let them work their magic without having to find extra time in your day. There are even special kinds of headphones that you can wear overnight so that you can listen without disturbing your partner.

Listening during sleep also allows your subconscious mind to process the affirmations more deeply since there will be no interference from your conscious mind. Similarly, growth and change happens when we sleep. Our bodies naturally release different growth and repair hormones, chemicals that enhance skin, blood and bone repair and your DNA structure is also repaired as you sleep.

So, by listening to subliminals during sleep, you’re taking advantage of the natural healing and repair processes that happen while we’re resting. This can help speed up the changes that you see from using subliminals.

7. If Your Have Negative Thoughts Use a Subliminal Flush 

We all have negative thoughts from time to time, but if you find yourself thinking them more often than not, it might be time to do a subliminal flush. This is basically just listening to a subliminal program that’s specifically designed to get rid of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

If negative thoughts are keeping you from seeing the face you want, then this could be just what you need to finally see some changes. You should only use a subliminal flush for the first few days of your subliminal routine. The flush is there to remove the negativity and your face subliminal audio is there to make the subconscious changes.

8. Pick One Area of your Face to change at once

When it comes to changing your face with subliminals, it’s important to focus on one area at a time (don’t use multiple subliminal at once). This could be the shape of your nose, your skin tone, or the size of your lips. By focusing on one area at a time, you’ll be able to see more noticeable results. 

If you pick too many changes at once, it will be harder to see which changes are happening because your overloading your unconscious with too many requests. When you focus on one change at a time, you’ll be able to track your progress more easily and see just how effective the subliminals are.

Your subconscious can focus all its power and energy on that one area. Once you see changes in that part of your face you can move to the next area. I don’t change my subliminal recording until I notice significant change or its been 6 weeks and there has been no change. Its likely the goal is going to that a lot only. For example, height growth can take 1 year or longer to grow 1inch.

9. Write You Affirmations before Listening to your Subliminal

In order for subliminals to work, you need to have affirmations that correspond with the changes you want to see in your face. So, if you’re working on changing the shape of your nose, you would write affirmations like “I love my new nose” or “My nose is perfectly shaped”.

You want to write each affirmation out at least once and you want between 12-15 different affirmations about your face change. I like to write my affirmations for 10 minutes. The reason you want to write your affirmations is you still want to show your conscious mind you want that change.

When your subconscious and conscious mind believe and desire the same gaols it supercharges your results. People think they just have to reprogram their subconscious to get results. But your conscious mind is just as important.

10. Be Patient

It’s important to remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for subliminals to work their magic and change your face. So don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away—keep listening to those affirmations and visualise the changes you want to see, and eventually they will happen.

Subliminals normally take around 22 days to see some change especially within your mindset. You should be a lot more positive and hopeful you can achieve your face change. This will motivate you to continue listening until you get the desired results. Remember there isn’t any specific time to change your face so just keep listening.

Can Subliminal Messages Change Your Face Summary

Subliminal messages can change your face by slowly altering your mindset about your appearance. The subconscious mind is very powerful and can create physical changes in the body when given the right information.

To change your face with subliminals, start by finding a quality recording that contains affirmations about the specific changes you want to see. I recommend making your own or contact me and we can do it together.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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