7 Steps To Make Your Subliminal Results Permanent

Wanting to know are subliminal results permanent is important before you select your subliminal goal and spend hours listening to your subliminal recording. It is appreciated that subliminal messages can influence us and make specific changes, especially within our mindset and thought process.

Subliminals work effectively at breaking bad habits and engraining new powerful habits deep inside our subconscious mind. However, can subliminal messages alter our physical appearance and make results permanent?

Are Subliminal Results Permanent

Subliminal results can be permanent once your subconscious mind internalises and accepts the affirmations presented in a subliminal, it will begin to act on them as if they are true. Consequently, these new beliefs may have an impact on your reality and manifest in various ways.

However, some people claim that subliminal results can be permanent if the individual continues to reinforce the desired behavior or attitude. For instance, if someone listens to a subliminal audio to quit smoking and successfully quits smoking, they may need to continue reinforcing their new habit by avoiding triggers and practicing healthy coping mechanisms.

On the other hand, some people may experience temporary results from subliminal messages, and the effects may fade over time if the individual stops listening to the subliminals or does not reinforce the desired behavior.

Overall, the permanence of subliminal results can vary from person to person, and it’s essential to approach subliminal messages with a realistic mindset and a willingness to put in the necessary effort to maintain the desired change.

Physical appearance alterations that impact our genetic structure, DNA, bone formation, face structure or appearance can become permanent when results arrive. 

The idea of making permanent physical changes by using subliminal messages might sound somewhat bizarre, but there are some suggestions that subliminal messaging can, make certain physical changes. Once you receive your change then it prove subliminal results are permanent.

Are Physical Subliminal Results Permanent?

If you’re fortunate enough to receive a physical change utilising subliminals such as increasing height, changing your eye colour or bone structure, these physical transformations will be permanent. 

Once these permanent changes have occurred, they will not revert because you have made the physical change. 

Even though physical subliminals are the most challenging types of subliminals to get results from, if you do work hard, possibly for many years, your results will definitely be permanent.

I would create a playlist with 5 to 10 subliminal tracks connected to one specific physical change goal and listen to this every night for at least one year. 

For instance, if you want to grow taller, I would only listen to subliminals that describe growing taller, height growth and increasing growth hormones. 

I would not confuse my subconscious mind with any other type of subliminal, especially ones regarding different physical changes.

To make your physical subliminals permanent, I would create or listen to personalise subliminals because they will be specific to your exact goal. 

There is nothing better than your subconscious mind listening to your own voice with the exact goal that it wants to achieve. Therefore creating your own personalised subliminals will work 10 times faster than listening to pre-recorded subliminals from someone else.

To find out more about creating personalised subliminals, check out my shop.

7 Ways to Make Your Subliminal Results Permanent

1. Understand what subliminal messages are

Subliminal messages are messages that are designed to bypass the conscious mind and be processed directly by the subconscious mind. These messages can be in the form of words, images, or even sounds.

2. Choose your goals carefully

When you’re choosing your goals, it’s important to be as specific as possible. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for your subconscious mind to process the information and make the changes you desire.

3. Find a reputable source for your subliminals

There are a lot of different sources for subliminal messages, but not all of them are created equal. It’s important to find a source that you trust and that has a good reputation.

4. Make sure your subconscious mind is receptive to change

Before you start using subliminal messages, it’s important to ensure that your subconscious mind is open to change. This can be done through meditation or self-hypnosis.

5. Use subliminal messages regularly

For best results, it’s important to use subliminal messages on a regular basis. This means listening to them every day, or multiple times per day if possible.

6. Be patient

Change takes time, so it’s important to be patient when you’re using subliminal messages. Results may not happen immediately, but if you stick with it, you will eventually see the changes you desire.

7. Reinforcement activities

It’s also helpful to engage in activities that reinforce the changes you’re trying to make with subliminal messaging. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, avoid places where smoking is allowed or where people smoke frequently

Can Subliminals Make Physical Changes Permanent?

Subliminal messages can’t magically change your hair colour or make you grow 5 extra inches in 24 hours. The way it works is to encourage or discourage certain behaviours, beliefs or paradigms within your mindset, leading to you making positive choices or acting in a manner that will promote a physical change.

For example, subliminal messaging can help you quit smoking or lose weight; both of these things would then eventually lead to a change in your appearance.

But if you desire to switch your eye colour or change your nose size, these physical features are fixed in your DNA and are unlikely to change with subliminal messages.

Suggesting that a mental or mindset transformation by utilising subliminal messages will promote permanent change.

However, transformations of a physical nature will not change by using subliminal messages alone. Subliminal messaging will not affect any modification that requires a shift within our DNA, bone structure or physical appearance.

Subliminal messages work with mindset alterations that could encourage physical changes such as

  • weight loss
  • clearer skin
  • self-confidence
  • perhaps accelerating hair growth.

The first step to understanding how subliminal messaging affects our physical appearance is to recognise our minds’ connection and influence over how we look.

When you are awake, your conscious mind is constantly at work gathering information from your environment. You will have active and deliberate thoughts, make decisions, and will recognise your internal voice.All of this determines your personality and how you behave every day.

These reactions and decisions can all, directly and indirectly, have an impact on your image, from you deciding what outfit to wear or if you will do exercise that day.

However, there is only so much that your conscious mind can take in at once. Therefore, most information and the ‘data’ that makes up who you are lies in your subconscious mind.This is responsible for your creativity, involuntary processes, and for storing memories and emotions.

It is also the part of your mind that allows the generation of new tissue, healing wounds, and leading to the growth of your fingernails and hair.

Because of this, many believe subconscious mind control, such as subliminal messaging, can make physical changes.

Nevertheless, no scientific proof has been revealed to show that subliminals have changed someones physical appearance.

Do Permanent Subliminals Fade Over Time?

The best news here is physical subliminals will not fade over time because you have received the exact goal that you desired. However, applying mindset subliminals, these results can fade over time, especially if you’re not utilising them regularly.

Suppose you want to break a habit or reprogram your subconscious mind from negative to positive. Unless you regularly listen to your subliminal tracks, the benefits you receive will fade because your subconscious mind will revert to its old behaviours.

Studies reveal that if you transform your mindset and stop listening to your subliminal track, you will move back to where you began within three months.

In some cases, people moved further back than their start point because the negativity or bad habit was accelerated, and the subconscious mind couldn’t block or resist the change. The best method is to listen to your subliminal track or playlist every night until you notice a significant mindset shift.

Next, reduce the number of nights that you are listening to your subliminal to three or four and continually listen to them for as long as you feel the transformation has become permanent.

At any point, you believe the old habit or negativity is reproaching, then simply relisten to your subliminal track to remove the old mindset. But to stop your subliminals fading and how to speed them up for accelerated results check out these 15 tips and tricks to make your subliminals work faster.

Are Subliminal Results Permanent Summary

I hope you have enjoyed my article explaining are subliminal results permanent and give you some helpful tips to make your subliminal results permanent. Overall, subliminal messaging can be a helpful tool for making changes in your life and they can bring permanent change However, it’s important to use them correctly and be patient when waiting for results. With time and consistency, you can achieve the goals you set for yourself.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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