7 Common Reasons Why Subliminals Give You Headaches

If you have been regularly listening to subliminal messages and discover you are getting headaches, it might be something simple to fix. I explain the most common reasons why people get headaches from listening to subliminals.

Why Do Subliminals Give Me Headaches

Headaches aren’t a common side effect of subliminals, so it means that something is wrong with your subliminal recording.

Nonetheless, if you try some of these fixes and notice no change in the number of headaches you are receiving, I would immediately stop using subliminal messages because they will not work for you. Instead, listen to affirmations that you can hear and stay away from a low frequency that your ears aren’t used to. 

The most important thing is reprogramming your subconscious mind with positivity and removing the negative thoughts, emotions, and feelings stopping you from receiving your desires. If your subliminals aren’t aligned with your goals, they won’t work.

And using too many subliminals at once causes your mind to work in overdrive, causing headaches and pressure pain.

1. Subliminals Not At The Correct Frequency Causing Headaches

For your affirmations and statements to become a subliminal message, it needs to be at a frequency of 17500hz. If the subliminal is not at this frequency, it can cause headaches because the frequency tone impacts your hearing. Normal audio plays at a frequency of 44500hz, which is the tone required to hear without audio assistance (find out everything you need to know about how subliminals work).

When people create subliminals, they adjust the frequency from normal hearing to subliminal frequency. Our consciousness can not hear the affirmations at this frequency, but our subconscious can. Many people believe a subliminal track is made by dropping the volume to 0, but this isn’t a subliminal track.

An audio recording with the volume turned down to 0 isn’t going to impact your subconscious mind, and it won’t work. Therefore, make sure when you pick your subliminal messages, you can guarantee those subliminals are at the correct frequency (for best results, make your own subliminal message, here’s a free step-by-step guide). 

2. Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones

Some people may experience headaches when listening to binaural beats and isochronic tones because of the way they are processed. So, if your subliminal recording includes these tones, it could cause your headaches.

Specifically, some people may be more sensitive to the beats than others, which can cause discomfort. Additionally, if someone is trying to listen to binaural beats or isochronic tones while performing a cognitive task, like working on a computer, the beats may actually interfere with the task at hand.

Binaural beats require you to listen with stereo headphones or earbuds in order to perceive the effect. This means that if you are listening through speakers, the effects will not be as noticeable. Even though it is unlikely that binaural beats may cause any harm, those with health problems should consult their doctor before attempting to listen to them. (Here are all the side effects you need to know about binaural beats).

3. Negative Thoughts Being Removed For Your Subconscious

Most people typically use a subliminal message to remove negative and limiting beliefs, ultimately transforming their mindset into attracting their desires. Our subconscious mind doesn’t like change, and it will fight against the subliminal affirmations being played. This resistance can cause headaches because both your conscious and subconscious are battling.

However, the more you listen to your subliminal messages, the less resistance your subconscious mind provides, reducing headaches. It takes around 66 days for your subconscious mind to begin accepting your subliminal affirmations. During these days, the subconscious will fight and reject the statements according to your beliefs.

If you don’t think you can reach your goal or alter your physical appearance, your subconscious will accept your emotions rather than the subliminal track. Therefore, you must believe you can attain your goal and use visualisation to trick your subconscious mind into thinking you have already reached your purpose. 

4. Fake Subliminals Give Headaches

There are millions of subliminals out there, and YouTube has the most extensive library. Unfortunately, there is no way of YouTube identifying if a subliminal is real or fake (Here’s how I determine if subliminals are fake). It is straightforward for someone to state that their video or recording is a genuine subliminal, but in fact, it is fake. 

The temptation for people to create fake subliminals is high because YouTube rewards these creators by giving them ad revenue. The more people listen to these fake recordings, the more money they make. Ultimately they don’t care if it gives you side effects, like headaches or something even worse.

These fake subliminals can cause headaches because you have no idea what’s actually in the recording. People might not utilise the proper subliminal frequency, or the affirmations don’t even exist. The music sounds effects, or background noise can all impact the quality of the track. Similarly, some people even trick people with subliminals full of negative and dark statements instead of positive words and messages. 

Check out my subliminal shop for 100% real and genuine subliminals made by me.

5. Length of Track Causes Headaches

The duration of your listening session can also contribute to headaches. It would be best if you started with shorter sessions and gradually increased the time you listen. If you jump into listening for long periods, it can tax your mind, causing a headache as a result.

Additionally, try not to listen to subliminals more than once a day because it can also lead to headaches. The optima length of track for a subliminal message is around 30 minutes at the beginning. Once you build up your tolerance to subliminal messages you can increase the length of the track to 90 minutes which covers a full sleep cycle.

I recommend listening to subliminals at night instead of during the day because your subconscious mind at concentrate on the subliminal playing. If you listen to your track during the day it could distract your subconscious mind and give you headaches. Your subconscious is trying to focus on your daily routines but your also playing subliminals.

6. Not Drinking Enough Water After Subliminal Sessions

Your brain is mostly water, so if you’re dehydrated, it will cause headaches. It’s essential that you drink enough water throughout the day and even more if you are listening to subliminals for long periods. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to prevent headaches.

Water also allows your body to flush out toxins. If you don’t drink enough water, these toxins will build up in your system and can also contribute to headaches. If your subliminal message is designed to remove negative emotions then if you don’t drink enough water those negative thoughts rant being flushed out of your system.

I also like to drink a herbal tea made of ginger, turmeric, chamomile and honey before sleep which helps me relax and fall asleep quickly. The extra fluid helps with hydration and the herbs and minerals from the tea boosts the state of mind I want to be in before listening to my subliminal track.

7. Your Subliminal Playlist is Too Big

If you have a playlist with hundreds of hours of subliminals, it will be challenging for your subconscious mind to focus on one track. It can cause headaches because your subconscious is trying to focus on too many different affirmations at the same time. I recommend only having a few tracks in your playlist and gradually adding more as you get used to listening to subliminals. Here’s a guide to the perfect number of subliminals in a playlist.

If you have a hard time picking which subliminal tracks you want in your playlist, here a few factors you can consider:

  • Only pick one goal you want to achieve
  • Focus on the emotions you want to feel
  • Any doubts or negative beliefs you want to remove
  • The type of person you want to become and when

Picking the right subliminal message is essential to enjoying the experience and avoiding headaches. If you focus on one subliminal goal at once you will find it easier on your subconscious and it will reduce and remove headaches.

Why Do Your Subliminals Give You Headaches Summary

The vast majority of people won’t have headaches when they listen to their subliminals, as long as they can be sure they are real subliminal recordings. If you have done everything to avoid fake subliminals or create your own personalised subliminal and still get headaches, unfortunately, subliminals aren’t going to work for you.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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