11 Reasons Why Your Subliminal Don’t Work (With Easy Fix)

Subliminals don’t work is a common reason why people give up. There’s nothing worse or more frustrating than listening to a subliminal playlist for months, if not years and noticing absolutely no results. You can make some simple but powerful adjustments to your subliminal routine to make your subliminal influences finally work.

But many people repeatedly perform common and foolish mistakes, which ultimately prevent them from experiencing any results. Here are the top reasons why your subliminal programs are not working and, most importantly, the recommended remedy to achieve the results you have always expected from the subliminal hidden message.

11 Reasons Subliminals Don’t Work

Subliminal advertising has been used for many years in the hope that big corporations can influence our decision-making to buy their products. This type of subliminal stimuli doesn’t really work because we don’t have the desire to manifest that product. However, when we set a goal and set our minds on manifesting it, amazing things happen through the power of the law of attraction.

Therefore, the subliminal audio that you chose to listen to works really well. All you need to do is make a few minor adjustments to your subliminal recordings, and you can finally make your subliminal work.

1. Too Many Subliminal Recordings in Your Playlist

One of the biggest mistakes why subliminals don’t work is that they listen to many different playlists all at once and expect the subconscious mind to transform. Some people have hundreds of subliminal affirmations within their playlists, making it overwhelming for the subconscious to create the change you desire.

Ideally, you want to select goals that you strive to achieve and create a playlist surrounding those goals, such as weight loss, money, height growth, or eye colour change. Each one of these goals should have a subliminal playlist with no more than four or five subliminal tracks within each playlist.  

To find out everything you need to know about multiple subliminals and how to use them to your advantage, read this article.

2. Not Listening For Long Enough

Subliminals work the best when you give your subconscious mind the time to listen and make the change you desire. Repetition of the same affirmations is what makes the subconscious be reprogrammed and make your goals happen.

Suppose your subliminal track only lasts for a couple of minutes, and you listen once a day. In that case, it will take you a long time for your subliminal message to actually influence the subconscious mind and achieve the goal you desire a big reasons why subliminals don’t work.

Listening to subliminals has to become part of your daily routine. You want to listen to a subliminal track for around 30 minutes to 90 minutes every day until you see the transformation. It should take approximately 22 days to see some results from your subliminals, but if you don’t see any results after 22 days, it means you’re not listening for long enough, and your mind is blocking and resisting the change.

Therefore you must increase the amount of time listening to your subliminal playlist and maybe listen multiple times every day. The older you are, the harder it is for your subconscious mind to let go of all the negativity inside your mind. Pay attention to the time you’re spending listening to your subliminal playlists every day.

For the complete guide on how subliminal work, read this article. And find out my top tips to speeding up your subliminals working faster with my tried and tested methods

3. Listening To Fake Subliminals With No Affirmations 

What’s frustrates me as a content creator is the number of fake subliminals that people create, especially on youtube videos. YouTube has millions, if not billions, of different subliminal tracks, but there’s no method of identifying if that subliminal affirmation is actually playing.

People can create and upload a video containing only music or sounds and don’t have any subliminal affirmations within the track. I consider these fake subliminals.

A top tip is always to look at the description box within the YouTube video to ensure a list of affirmations contained within the subliminal track. If there is no list of affirmations, there is a good chance that that subliminal doesn’t include any affirmations whatsoever, and you will not achieve the desire you crave. 

Here are other things to look out for to avoid fake subliminals. The only way to avoid fake subliminals is to go to content creators you trust and how to make subliminals. That way, you know that there is definitely affirmations within the track and it dramatically reduced the likelihood the Subliminals not working.

Check out my subliminal shop where they are genuinely 100% real subliminals I personally create and use. They have a complete list of affirmations you can see if they fit your subliminal goal before you purchase

4. Focused On Physical Change Subliminals Only

The most challenging types of subliminal transformations are physical changes such as height, eye colour, nose shape and changing face shape. I found that most people have a large amount of these sorts of subliminals. You might not see any results for years because they are the most complicated kinds of subliminals to transform. Here’s why permanent results take time.

My advice is always to have several spiritual and goal-orientated subliminals alongside your physical subliminal playlist. Ideally, you want four or five subliminal playlists and for at least two or three of these playlists to be around spiritual transformations such as positivity, removing negative emotions, attracting money, wealth, happiness, love or relationships or whatever else that you crave. 

The rest of your playlist can be made up of physical alterations such as increasing or decreasing height, changing your eye colour or any other physical attribute you want.

5. Not Listen When You Sleep

The best time to listen to subliminal messages is before and during sleep at night. Your subconscious mind is open and prepared for those subliminal affirmations to transform within your mindset. When you’re awake during the day, your conscious mind can resist and block the affirmations from accessing the subconscious.

The purpose of subliminal messaging is to bypass the conscious reasoning or thinking and insert it immediately into the subconscious mind. That’s why subliminal tracks need to be produced at a frequency that is below conscious awareness. When you’re asleep, your subconscious mind is more acceptable to be reprogrammed. 

Furthermore, you want to buy yourself a suitable sleep headband so that you can listen to your subliminal tracks but still be comfortable enough to sleep during the night. My recommendation for a sleep headband is here.

6. Constantly Changing Your Subliminal Programs

Changing your subliminal playlist regularly suggests your not giving your subconscious mind a chance to make the transformation. I believe this is the biggest reason why subliminals don’t work. I would never change my subliminal playlist unless I’ve been listening to that one track for more than 66 days. 

This is the average amount of days it takes a subliminal to transform into the goal. However, if you have physical subliminals, it can take a lot longer, maybe up to a year or more, to see the desired result. Consequently, never replace your subliminal playlist until you have reached a goal or made the transformation you desire. 

If you’ve been listening to the same playlist for more than 66 days, it might be time to think why that subliminal isn’t working and perhaps change the track to personalise subliminal. 

People get subliminal results surprisingly quickly because they are consistent and regular listen to their subliminal tracks every night. It gives a subconscious mind the chance to make the transformation that they desire. Inconsistency is the biggest reason why people fail with subliminals.

7. Not Specific With Your Subliminal Goal

If your subliminal isn’t specific enough, it’s challenging for your subconscious mind to understand the purpose you want to achieve. Listening to subliminal tracks that don’t describe your goal won’t make an impact on your mindset.

It would help if you located subliminal playlists and affirmations that describe precisely what you desire to achieve and how long it’s going to take you to reach that goal. Before choosing your subliminal, make sure that you research what affirmations are included within that subliminal message.

 If you can’t find a subliminal track you desire, you have to create your own subliminal messaging, which will work 10 times quicker than any other subliminal track out there. The reason why Subliminals don’t work is they aren’t specific enough for you.

Need help making a subliminal? They work 10x faster because they have your exact goal, your favourite music and your own voice talking to your unconscious mind. These Subliminals are extremely powerful and highly recommended.

8. Not Utilising A Subliminal Flush 

Negativity, the wrong beliefs and fear of change are reasons why subconsciously we don’t make the changes that we crave. A subliminal flush is a perfect method to remove and flush out any negativity surrounding the goal. If you don’t use a subliminal flush before starting your subliminal playlist, your subconscious mind places a lot of resistance in front of the subliminal.

Listen to a subliminal flush 3 to 5 minutes before your subliminal playlist begins. This way, you’re flushing out any negativity surrounding that subliminal playlist. Once you’ve flushed your subconscious mind, your subliminal playlist will work a lot better, ultimately making the goal happen faster. Learn how to use subliminal flushes correctly.

9. Not Taking Advantage of a Subliminal Booster

Utilising a subliminal booster is an excellent way of getting unbelievable results with your subliminals. If you take advantage of a subliminal booster, it will make the changes happen in a shorter amount of time.

A subliminal booster takes away all the resistance surrounding that goal and speeds up the transformation process because it’s bypassing the conscious mind. Consequently, if you want to make the changes happen quicker, I would highly recommend using a subliminal booster.

It’s designed to boost your regular subliminal audio by using extremely positive affirmations with high energy background music to motivate and excite your unconscious. A subliminal booster can be used at the beginning of the subliminal program and only needs to last for 5 minutes.

10. No Binaural Beats in Your Background Music

When you listen to subliminals without binaural beats in the background music, it can take a lot longer to see results. Binaural beats are high and low frequency waves that work together to create certain brainwaves. When these brainwaves are produced, they allow your subconscious mind to open up and receive the subliminal affirmations included within the audio message.

Binaural beats played at either the theta level or delta is the ideal frequency to open up your unconscious mind and reprogram it with your positive affirmations. I only use binaural beats when I listen to my subliminal recording at night. If I listen during the day I don’t use binaural beats because I don’t want to fall asleep.

Adding binaural beats isn’t necessary and isn’t a a large enough reasons why your subliminals don’t work, but if you able to add binaural beast they will make a difference in your results.

11. You Still Have Limiting Beliefs

If you still have a lot of limiting beliefs surrounding your subliminal goal, it will take a lot longer to see results with subliminal audio. Your unconscious mind needs to let go of all the negativity, lack and self-doubt before it can start working on attracting what you desire.

For example, if you want to attract more money into your life but you believe that money is evil, your subconscious mind will put a lot of resistance in front of the subliminal affirmations trying to break through. You need to let go of all the negativity and self-doubt before you can start seeing results with subliminals.

If you want to get rid of all your limiting beliefs, you need to use your subliminal program every day and practice other subconscious reprogramming methods like visualisation or positive self talk. Here’s a list of 19 ways to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Why Your Subliminals Don’t Work Summary

Hopefully I’ve given you enough reason why Subliminals don’t work and the solution to get your subliminal results. Did you know that 8 out of 10 people don’t respond to subliminal messages? It might be because they are too busy, distracted, or just not interested. The first thing I would do if my subliminals were not working for me is taking a closer look at the type of playlist I am using. 

What was once effective may no longer work as well today with so many distractions and competing interests vying for our attention. Your next best bet is to avoid fake subliminals by checking the video’s description before watching it close enough to see what kind of content it contains (some videos use words like “fast results” but their content doesn’t match up).

To find authentic and genuine subliminals, don’t forget to check out my Shop.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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