10 Bizarre Reason Why Subliminals Give You Nightmares

Subliminals are powerful tools that can help to change our belief systems and thought patterns. However, they can also be disruptive, especially if we are not used to working with them. In the case of nightmares, it is possible that the subconscious mind is interpreting the subliminal messages in a negative way.

Alternatively, the nightmares may be a sign that the individual is resistant to change. Either way, it is important to understand why your subliminal messaging might be giving you nightmares and how to stop them.

10 Reasons Why Subliminals Give You Nightmares

1. Using Fake Subliminals Can Give Nightmares

There are a lot of fake subliminal recordings out there and using them can definitely give you nightmares. How can you tell if a subliminal is fake?

One way is to check the reviews. If there are a lot of negative reviews saying the same thing (e.g., “this didn’t work for me”, “I had a nightmare after listening to this”, etc.), then it’s probably best to avoid that particular subliminal.

Another way to tell if a subliminal is fake is by the claims it makes. If the claims seem too good to be true (e.g., “listen to this and you will make millions of dollars”), then chances are it’s not going to work and may even give you nightmares. I have a complete checklist to avoid fake subliminal audio.

The best way to avoid fake subliminal programs is to create your own subliminal audio. Here’s a complete step-by-step free guide to help you make a subliminal fast.

2. Subliminal Affirmations Are Negative

Some people believe that using only positive affirmations is the key to success with subliminals but that’s not always the case. If you have ever tried using only positive affirmations, you may have noticed that your mind tends to resist them because they go against what you believe.

For example, if you truly believe you are not good enough, then no matter how many times you tell yourself “I am good enough”, your mind is not going to believe it. This resistance can lead to frustration which can then manifest as nightmares.

Furthermore, people could add negative affirmation to your subliminal audio and you wouldn’t even know they are there. The subconscious mind can hear all the affirmations playing at the subliminal level but you can’t. You need to be careful about the types of subliminal recordings you’re listening to.

3. Subconscious Resistance at Night

Another reason why subliminals may give you nightmares is because of subconscious resistance. This usually happens when you are trying to change something about yourself that your subconscious doesn’t want to change.

For example, if you have been overweight your entire life and suddenly start telling yourself “I am thin and healthy”, your subconscious is going to resist this new belief because it goes against everything it has ever known about you. This resistance can again lead to frustration and ultimately nightmares.

The best way to overcome subconscious resistance is to listen to your subliminal for longer or add a subliminal flush to your program. The flush will help remove the resistance to change and your subliminal audio will begin to work.

4. You Don’t Believe in Your Subliminal

If you don’t believe in the affirmations you are listening to, then chances are they won’t work for you and may even give you nightmares. The reason why belief is so important when using affirmations is because our thoughts create our reality.

So, if you don’t believe in the affirmations, then they aren’t going to manifest in your life. On the other hand, if you do believe in them, then they are more likely to become reality. It all starts with belief so make sure that whatever affirmations you use, you truly believe them down to your core.

I great way to build belief and faith that subliminal messages work is to pick an easy goal that you know you can manifest every quickly. Something like a text message or manifesting $5. This will give you the motivation to go for the bigger goals and give you confidence in your subliminal program.

5. Using too Many Subliminals Lead to Nightmares

Subliminals may give you nightmares is because of using too many of them at once or listening to them for too long each day. When we try to change too many things about ourselves at once, it can be overwhelming for our minds and lead to resistance which manifests as nightmares.

Additionally, if we listen to subliminals for hours each day without taking breaks in between listens, it can also lead to resistance and ultimately Nightmares as well. It’s important to find a balance with how often we listen to subliminals and how many we use at any given time so that our minds don’t become overwhelmed and start resisting the changes we are trying to make.

To discover how many subliminal audio programs you should listen to each day, read this post. It also gives you the best time to listen to subliminals and for how long.

6. You Are Over Tired and Get Nightmares

One of the main reasons why subliminals give me nightmares is because I am over tired. When you are over tired, your body is not able to relax and your mind is constantly racing. This can lead to you having nightmares because your mind is trying to process all of the information that it is receiving.

If your mind and body is tired and you try and focus Subliminals onto it they might reject those affirmations from working.

Because your mind is rejecting those subliminal statement it can lead to nightmares. If you are over tired then it might be best to skip listening to subliminal that night and have a good nights sleep instead.

7. Stress and Anxiety Increases Nightmares

If you are stressed or anxious, your body is in a constant state of fight or flight. This means that your body is not able to relax and your mind is constantly on edge. This can lead to you having nightmares because your mind is trying to process all of the information that it is receiving.

If you have had a stressful day at work or studying and you don’t allow your mind to relax and calm down before sleep then its going to be more difficult for subliminals to work. It can also lead to nightmares as well.

If you are stressed or anxious, it might be best to relax and unwind for 60 minutes before listening to your subliminal recordings. If your mind is on over drive and overthinking before sleep your subliminals might not help the situation.

8. Not Using High-Quality Subliminals

If you are using low-quality subliminals or subliminals that have been made poorly, then they are more likely to give you nightmares. This is because the affirmations in the recording are not clear and might contain negative or harmful messages that your mind interprets as threats.

To avoid this, make sure that you only use high-quality subliminal recordings from reputable sources (visit my subliminal shop). This will ensure that the affirmations in the recording are clear and positive so that your mind can easily accept them.

YouTube can be a great place to begin using subliminal audio but its really difficult to determine if those subliminal programs are real or fake. There is plenty of people claiming to provide amazing subliminal audio on YouTube but it turns out the tracks are nothing more than music without any subliminal affirmations.

9. You Are Not Ready For Change

If you are not ready for change, then subliminals are more likely to give you nightmares. This is because your mind is not open to the possibility of change and will resist the affirmations in the recording.

To avoid this, make sure that you are ready for change before you start listening to subliminals. This means that you need to be open to the possibility of change and have a positive attitude towards the changes you want to make. You can read more about how to get yourself ready for change here.

If you are not ready for change, then it might be best to wait until you are before starting to listen to subliminals. This will ensure that your mind is open to the affirmations in the recording and is more likely to accept them.

10. Overthinking Before Sleep Gives Nightmares

One of the worst things that you can do before sleep is overthink. When you overthink, you are basically giving yourself a panic attack. This can lead to you having nightmares because your mind is trying to process all of the information that it is receiving.

Overthinking can be a difficult habit to break, but it is possible to train your mind to think more critically and less emotionally.

One way to do this is to slow down your thought process by taking a few deep breaths and count to 10 before responding to a situation. This will help you to avoid reacting impulsively and instead allow you to think more clearly about the situation.

Another helpful tip is to question your thoughts; ask yourself why you are thinking a certain way and whether there is another way to look at the situation. This can help you to challenge your assumptions and come up with a more objective perspective.

Finally, it is important to remember that not every problem requires a lengthy or complicated solution; sometimes the best course of action is simply to take a step back and let go of the need for control.

By following these tips, you can learn to avoid overthinking and make better decisions for yourself and others. before sleep, try to relax and unwind for 60 minutes before bed.

This will allow your mind to calm down and stop processing information. You can also try meditation or yoga to help you relax and clear your mind before sleep.

Why Subliminals Give Me Nightmares Summary

Subliminals can be a great tool for personal growth but they need to be used correctly in order to avoid giving yourself nightmares! Make sure you only use high-qualitysubliminals from credible sources, mix up positive and negative affirmations ,and take breaks in between listens so your mind doesn’t become overwhelmed.

following these tips should help reduce the chance of having nightmares caused by subliminals!

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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