Category: Subliminal Messages

  • Do Eye Colour Subliminals Work?

    Do Eye Colour Subliminals Work?

    Some of the biggest claims online, especially on YouTube, is that people have changed their eye colour using the power of subliminal messaging in less than a few weeks without the need for surgery or medical treatment. But are subliminals that powerful they can alter the colour of your eyes? Research and studies reveal that…

  • Subliminal Messages In Different Languages Can You Understand Them?

    Subliminal Messages In Different Languages Can You Understand Them?

    Subliminal messages are often written in a language that is different from the listener’s native tongue. If you can only understand 50% of that language, then your mind will not be able to process and decipher the hidden message for hours after it has been played. However, if you know at least 50% of this…

  • What Are Subliminals And Do They Work (In-Depth Explanation)

    What Are Subliminals And Do They Work (In-Depth Explanation)

    You might be new to subliminals or you have just discovered them so you might want to know what are subliminals and how do subliminals work? You might know that companies in adverts often use subliminal messages through either visual or auditory signals.  For example, a subliminal message could be a picture of a burger popping…