Best Weight Loss Subliminals: Lose Weight Fast & Permanently

Weight loss subliminal messages are very popular because they promise to make losing weight effortless without you even trying hard. Even though that isn’t exactly true, subliminal can massively help you reprogram your bad eating and exercise habits, eventually encouraging you towards weight loss. If you believe in them, they could definitely work for you. With that said, do weight loss subliminals actually work?

Subliminals can make weight loss easier because they target your thoughts, behaviours, habits and emotions about food and exercise. You could lose more weight and stick to an exercise plan longer by listening to subliminal messages at night.

The best part is weight loss subliminals are actually straightforward to use, but it’s critical the affirmations resonate with your weight loss goals and desires. If you listen to the wrong subliminals, you won’t reach any of the benefits.

However, if you choose the right subliminal affirmations, you can expect your weight loss journey to be far easier than if you were to use willpower only. Listening to 90-minutes of weight loss subliminals as you sleep will reprogram your subconscious mind, and you will find your motivation, enthusiasm, energy, and expectations of becoming your ideal weight rapidly increase. 

Best Weight Loss Subliminal

I’ve spent hours researching why people fail at diets and, most notably, what makes them succeed in having their dream body. Becoming your ideal body weight isn’t just about diet and exercise. In fact, 80% of weight loss is due to mindset and convincing your subconscious mind you can lose weight. Once your subconscious believes it’s possible, you will accelerate towards your ideal body weight.

Regardless of how many failed diet attempts you have had in the past, these subliminals are developed to target your mindset and keep weight off permanently. They motivate, inspire and encourage you subconsciously while sleeping, making exercising effortless and dieting enjoyable. It extracts the urge for lousy food and makes you crave wholesome and nourishing foods.

Hate exercise? Don’t worry these subliminals are created to eliminate the fear and anxiety of exercising, making it achievable. Your subconscious mind is responsible for your decisions, and you will make the best choices for your health.

If you’re seriously interested in losing weight and achieving your perfect body weight in weeks, I think you’ll be shocked by how fast you get the results. Place your order whilst you have the motivation to get started today.

What Are Weight Loss Subliminal Messages?

Subliminal messages are words or phrases that the conscious mind cannot perceive. But they can be listened to by your subconscious mind because they are played at a frequency below conscious awareness, making them very powerful because our subconscious does not reason, doubt or criticise. It just accepts the weight loss affirmation it’s listening to.

That is why they are so effective for weight loss because your conscious mind does not question the messages you tell yourself. After all, it can’t physically hear them playing. Once the statement bypasses the conscious mind, our subconscious mind believes in them 100% and acts accordingly.

Therefore, it’s essential your affirmations are precisely what you want your subconscious to hear. Personalised subliminal messages work 10 times better than pre-recorded subliminal developed by someone else. If you want to create your own personalised weight loss subliminal, follows these step-by-step instructions

How Do Weight Loss Subliminals Work?

Weight loss subliminal messages work by bypassing the conscious mind at a subliminal frequency of 17500hz below normal hearing. Your conscious mind is responsible for informing your subconscious about your doubts and fears and why you can’t lose weight. 

When you listen to a weight loss subliminal, your consciousness can’t hear the affirmations; therefore, it cant reject or challenge your positive affirmations. For example, you have tried dieting many times before and have consistently failed. You know it’s hard, and you will probably fail again. Guess what? So does your conscious mind.

However, your subliminal affirmations tell your subconscious the opposite and make it sound like you are already at your ideal weight, and it was extremely easy. The more your subconscious hears those positive weight loss subliminals, the more effortless it becomes to lose the weight.

As a result, you will feel better about yourself because negative messages from your conscious mind will not be present anymore to make you question your abilities and sabotage your weight loss efforts. You will also start eating healthier because you will believe that you can lose weight, and your subconscious mind will act accordingly.

For a complete and in-depth explanation of how subliminals work and impact your mindset, read this post.

Do Weight Loss Subliminals Work?

On average, you are more likely to lose more weight if you listen to 90-minutes of weight loss subliminals every night than dieting and exercising alone. Weight loss subliminals are just a tool that can help you reprogram your mindset, but the actual work is up to you.

The good news is that according to studies of weight loss subliminal messages, people tend to lose far more weight than people that don’t use subliminals. The subconscious mind controls 95% of your habits, behaviours, emotions and thoughts, so it’s vital it changes for you will never reach your goal.

There have been many studies on weight loss subliminals, and the results were more than promising. For example, one study of overweight women who listened to weight loss subliminals every day for over 30 days resulted in a decrease in their BMI by 1.2%. Now if we compare this with women who only dieted and exercised, the results are even more impressive. These women lost an average of 0.9% of their initial weight during the same time period.

And that is not all, a similar study suggested that listening to weight loss subliminals while sleeping might be even more effective. Those who participated listened to healthy eating affirmations and their benefits. When those individuals were provided nutritious snacks and unhealthy snacks, they nearly always picked the healthier option.

Can You Lose Weight Listening to Subliminals Without Exercise or Diet?

You can lose weight by listening to subliminal messages that are targeted at making you lose weight. But you must still eat healthily and do some exercise. Unfortunately, weight loss subliminals don’t burn away body fat by listening alone, you must still do the work.

Subliminals are extremely powerful at reprogramming your mind and helping you remove the negativity surrounding your weight problems. However, no scientific evidence suggests listening to them can make you lose weight without exercise. Although, you can target specific areas of your body where you want to lose fat first.

For example, your body will first target those areas if your subliminals have affirmations targeting belly fat and gaining a flat stomach. Your subconscious mind is responsible for your metabolic system and will target that area. However, your subliminals must describe that goal, or they won’t work. I have an entire store of weight loss subliminals to check out, here.

The Benefits of Weight Loss Subliminals

There are several benefits of using weight loss subliminal messages, but the most important ones are:

  1. You will stop sabotaging your own weight loss efforts because those negative feelings will not be present anymore.
  2. You will be consistent for longer as you will hack your subconscious mind into believing it’s easy.
  3. Exercise will be painless and more enjoyable because you will have the right motivation to train.
  4. You will start eating healthier and feel better about yourself as a result.
  5. Your subconscious mind will take over and help you lose weight without any conscious effort on your part. Just sit back and relax while it works for you.

How Long Do Weight Loss Sublimnals Take To Work?

On average, your weight loss subliminals will start to work immediately but can take 21 days to fully embed into your subconscious mind. You will begin losing weight within days of using your subliminal routine and hopefully reach your goal weight by 6-8 weeks.

For your subliminals to take full effect and start the reprogramming process, it will take anywhere from 21 days up to or beyond 66 days. It all depends on how much resistance you have towards weight loss and your age. The older you are, the hard it is to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Each time you have failed in the past, it forms an additional layer of resistance in your subconscious. Your weight loss subliminals are designed to chip away at the old negative conditioning and replace it with positivity and willingness over time. Therefore, you can’t expect to listen to your subliminal track once and have the results. You must return to your subliminal track each night until you reach your ideal weight.

How To Make Weight Loss Subliminals Work Faster?

Subliminal messages are easy to create, but people make some common mistakes when producing them. And this often turns out to be counterproductive. It is essential to avoid these mistakes if you want them to work for you. 

People first mistake is not choosing the right weight loss subliminal messages. The only way they will help you lose weight is to make you lose weight and improve your health. Listening to them without taking any action on your part won’t do anything because your subconscious mind can’t take action unless it has instructions to do that.

The second mistake is not choosing the right subliminal tracks. There are hundreds of weight loss subliminal albums out there. Still, most of them are very low quality and contain audio distortions, making them utterly ineffective because your subconscious mind will not be able to process the messages being told. It is vital that you choose a high-quality weight loss subliminal album if you want to make them work for you. 

The third mistake is not listening to the right number of tracks. Sometimes less is more, and to discover why multiple subliminals simultaneously might be a bad idea, read this. Your subconscious mind needs time to process new information, and it takes 21 days for new habits and behaviours to be formed. This means that you need to listen to your weight loss subliminals at least 21 days in a row to make them work for you.

It is also important that you listen to the correct volume level. You should keep your subliminal messages at a low volume because high volume levels can interfere with the messages being told and have the opposite effect, making it harder for your subconscious mind to accept them as true. Should you use headphones? I explain everything here.


Weight loss subliminals effectively reprogram your subconscious mind towards achieving your ideal body weight. They will accelerate the weight loss journey and make it easy to have the motivation and enthusiasm necessary to finally achieve your goal. When you can change your habitual behaviour that repeats daily, you will begin to transform your body.

Even though this all sounds amazing and effortless, you are still required to do the hard work and eat healthily, but the subliminals will keep you on the right path and remove those unhealthy cravings that stop you from reaching your desired weight. I highly recommend that you create a personalised subliminal that has powerful affirmations specific to your individual weight loss goal. You can follow these uncomplicated steps here.

David Curran

Hi I'm David Curran, I'm passionate about learning everything I can about our minds' power and how we can transform our thoughts, happiness, and results. I believe everything we require to become happy and successful already exits within us. We just need a little help to discover it. This website is where I share everything I learn and practice to transform every aspect of my life.

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