Grabovoi numbers are a series of numbers that can be used to help manifest desires and goals. The numbers are considered the cheat code of the universe and are designed to connect your subconscious mind to the goal you desire without words. But what if you have multiple goals or you find loads of Grabovoi numbers that you like? Can you use them all together at the same time?
You can use multiple Grabovoi numbers at the same time and there isn’t any limit to the number of Grabovoi numbers you can use. However, for best results, it’s best to use multiple Grabovoi numbers that are related, for example, weight loss, money, or relationship numbers.
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How Multiple Grabovoi Numbers Work
When you use multiple Grabovoi numbers together, it’s like creating a web or net of energy around your desire. The more Grabovoi numbers you use, the stronger the energy web becomes.
This is because each number carries a certain vibration and when you string them all together, you create a much stronger vibration. This stronger vibration is then sent out into the universe, making it more likely that your desire will be manifested.
Another way to look at it is that each number is like a brick in a wall. The more bricks you have, the stronger the wall becomes. So, if you want to manifest your desire quickly and easily, using multiple Grabovoi numbers is the way to go!
So, if you want to manifest your desire quickly and easily, using multiple Grabovoi numbers is the way to go. To understand everything you need to know about Grabovoi numbers and a list of the most popular numbers, read this post.
How to Use Multiple Grabovoi Numbers
Find around 10 up to 20 Grabovoi numbers that relate to a single goal or desire. Make sure all those Grabovoi numbers are directly linked to that goal. For example, if you want to lose weight then only pick weight loss, body image, healthy eating, and body confidence Grabovoi numbers (for a list of weight loss Grabovoi numbers read this).
To use multiple Grabovoi numbers on the same desire, simply write them down on a piece of paper or in your journal. Then, close your eyes and visualise your desire as if it has already been manifested. See yourself achieving your goal, happy and fulfilled. You can also listen to those Grabovoi numbers. I recommend making them into a subliminal message.
Once you have completely focused on that goal you can now change your goal and repeat the progress. The next goal could be attracting money and wealth. Make sure your Grabovoi numbers are linked to that money goal (here’s a list of money & wealth Grabovoi numbers).
You can repeat this method of listening to or writing your Grabovoi numbers 4 times then stop. You need to give your subconscious mind time to think and absorb those goals or it won’t work. The biggest mistake with the Grabovoi number is using 50 to 100 numbers on unrelated goals at the same time.
Best Time to Use Grabovoi Numbers
The best time to use Grabovoi numbers is before you go to bed at night. This is because when you sleep your subconscious mind is more open to receiving messages and suggestions. So, if you want to attract a new job (here’s the best job numbers), for example, write down or listen to your Grabovoi numbers related to that goal before you go to bed. Then, let your subconscious mind work on it while you sleep!
You can also use Grabovoi numbers during the day but make sure you are in a relaxed state first. The best way to do this is to take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, and focus on your goal. Then start chanting or listening to your Grabovoi numbers.
I highly recommend turning your Grabovoi numbers into a subliminal message and listening to it during sleep. The subconscious does amazing things if you listen during sleep and subliminal enters your subconscious faster than any other method.
Check out my shop for the very best Grabovoi numbers made into Subliminal messages if you don’t know how to make them.
How Many Grabovoi Numbers are Too Many at Once?
If you want to use multiple Grabovoi numbers on the same desire, I recommend using around 10 up to 20. If you use more than that it might overwhelm your subconscious mind and it won’t work as well. Therefore, I consider more than 20 Grabovoi numbers as too many to use at once.
You can use Grabovoi numbers on more than one desire. However, I recommend focusing on one desire at a time for the best results. Once you have listened to or written your Grabovoi numbers for your first goal, then you can move on to the next one.
Repeat this process a maximum of 4 times to give your subconscious time to absorb and work on manifesting your desire. For best results, I would focus on one goal at once and really allow my subconscious to concentrate on that goal. Once I manifest the goal I move on to a new goal.
How Many Times Should I Use My Grabovoi Number Each Week?
I would recommend using Grabovoi numbers multiple times every day for at least a week or two if you want to see results quickly. After that, you can use them once a day or whenever you feel like it. The more you use Grabovoi numbers the better as it reprograms your subconscious mind to manifest your desires quicker.
It really depends on how often you want to manifest your desire. If you want to use Grabovoi numbers on multiple desires, I recommend using them every day. The key is to be consistent and use them as often as you can until you manifest your desire.
Can You Use Multiple Grabovoi Numbers Summary
Hopefully, I’ve answered the question that you can definitely use multiple Grabovoi numbers at the same time but it’s best to divide your numbers into related goals like weight loss, money, or relationships. Use 10 up to 20 Grabovoi numbers that are linked to that goal. Write, listen or speak your Grabovoi numbers on that one goal before setting a different goal.
Use a maximum of 4 goals in one session to give your subconscious mind a chance to absorb and think about those goals. I recommend creating a subliminal message to listen to during or before sleep because it works 10x faster than standard Grabovoi numbers.